our landlord came by a few weeks ago and wasn't cool with the grey gardens-esque look of the property, so i committed to weeding all of the flower beds. so far i've been a bit overwhelmed by the task and have only completed the beds around the back deck (gout weed anyone?). at this point, the front garden has completely grown over the ornamental piece of antique farm equipment in the centre. i thought i'd start by cutting back some of the mint and making a mint syrup for iced tea, lemonade and mint juleps. add bourbon and crushed ice to this concoction, and you have yourself a delicious summer bevvie. there are lots of ways to use your garden mint - emily sent me this post that has a mint pesto recipe that i'm going to try this weekend. booyahkasha!
Yummy! Here's a link to Pistachio-Almond Pesto (with 40 leaves of mint). I made it once and it was delicious. (I omitted the tomatoes as they weren't in season.) https://picasaweb.google.com/101017257858034962826/PistachioAlmondPestoRecipe?authkey=Gv1sRgCMKygbK84aSwBQ&feat=directlink